In this blog post, I will talk about creating a content type in SharePoint site that anyone can use wherever and whenever needed. Site content type is a reusable collection of metadata (columns), workflow, behavior that helps provide consistency all over the site. These content types can be easily included in the lists and libraries.
Let’s get started –
Create a content type
1. Navigate to the site for which the site content type is to be created.
2. Click Settings and then click Site Settings.
3. Select Site content types under Web Designer Galleries.
It will list all the existing content types, grouped on the basis of categories, like custom, community, Business, etc.
4. In the Show Group box, select the group and then choose Create
5. On the New Site Content page, provide a name and description for the new content type.
6. In the Parent Content Type section, select the name of the parent group and then choose the Parent Content Type.
7. In the Group section, check whether to keep the new content type in an existing group or to create a new group for the new content type.
8. Click OK.
9. After creating, content type page open up to add column to content type, select Add from existing Site column.
10. Select column from the groups to add and click on OK
Bind a template with a site content type
Custom document template such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. can be integrated with content type, and below are the steps to it –
- Go to Site Settings, Site content typesfrom the galleries, and select the content type.
- Under Settings, click Advanced settings.
- Choose Enter the URL of an existing document template if it is already in the site and type the URL, or choose Upload a new document template, browse the file, select it, and then click Open
- Click Yes under Update all content types inheriting from this type? If all content types need to be updated that inherit from this content type, then click OK.
This is how you can have custom content type created and ready to be used throughout.