Advaiya celebrated the 67th Republic Day of India at its Udaipur office premises with great enthusiasm. The chief guest for the day was Shri Shashikumar Verma, who has been the Chief Conservator of forest, Rajasthan. He is a patron of Bharat Vikas Parishad and has also been the Vice President for BVP. Shri Verma has been active in the heritage conservation and is involved with Green Ark Society and the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH).
The program commenced with the exhibition of paintings created by employees in the “Paint your patriotism” event on January 22.
Followed by it, all employees and their family members gathered at the lawns for the flag hoisting ceremony.
Thereafter, Shri Verma, the chief guest and Manish Godha, CEO, Advaiya addressed the gathering. Manish, in his address, mentioned that it is a wonderful triumph for all of us that we Indians thrive in a democratic land where the supreme power is vested in us and exercised by us directly or indirectly through a system of representation.
Advaiya employees and their kids participated by presenting speech, patriotic songs, poems and vote of thanks, to commemorate the occasion.
Jigyasa Jain, from Employee Effectiveness team, announced the forthcoming initiatives that Advaiya would be taking up – blood donation camp, tree plantation, etc. Towards the end, the winners of painting competition were declared and presented gifts by Shri Anil Godha and Shri Shashikumar Verma.